
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

a life, a new one .

sometimes we do feel empty if we missing out person in a hostel .. 
today , aminah moved out .. 
me and audrey ?
empty ..
hopefully we can cope in this situation . 
without her . 
looking forward to meet her everyday at college . 
hangout with her .. 
we miss u aminah. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

repooooort . assssssssssssignment .

short sheem .. 
short semester .. 
cakap xda exam .. 
pa pandai ada la untuk si legal institutions and methods itu ... 
naah , ko tipu tu brother .. 
sista , ko pun pandai tipu oh .. 
harap tu jak la yg da exam ... 
xsanggup rasanya mok exam ... 
balik bintulu jak sanggup .. 

anyway , 
halfway done with report .. 
lain kali edit kalau da masalah .. 
pa jak la .. 
next week bah hantar .. 
assignment .?
teet . 
mooting lagi best .. 
bye2 buat sementara ya assignment .. 
mooting ... 9hb kena turun .. exchange of bundle .. 
nah .. 
bpesta la aku di moot court nanti ... 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

21 . 06. 2012


legal research and writing class ..
obviously x polah research ..
anyway , we have fun :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


new sem , new revolution .. 
hopefully can do my best this sem .. 
okay . 
the bad news is , legal institutions and methods suddenly ada exam .. 
okaaay .. 
damn it . 

this sem , banyak freshie .. 
super banyak .. 
adoo .. 
letih aku tengok .. 
they smart , quite smart .. 
banyak lagi classmates , banyak lagi persaingan .. 
kan best ?

Sunday, May 27, 2012




Friday, May 25, 2012


here again ..
fool  much ??
yes .. certain people are .. 
yang tak paham bahaseee 
macam tu la i panggil ok ??
stil not understand why these fool keep on disturbing me ..
budo .. 
falui .. 
nah .. 
ambik kau .. 
malas ku malas ngan orang camtok .. 
nang gaya failed BM kah dlok ??
mok ku cakap lam bahasa apa gk ?? jepon ? korea ?? 
sot . 
if aku x layan korang gk , thats mean im not interested mok berkawan tauk x ?
want to know why ??
aku layan korang bagus2 tanpa sebab , tanpa muslihat kan ?
but at the end , what u guys want ??
a relationship .. one night stand .. yes .. a relationship only lasts for one night .. 
no .. aku x sebodoh korang sangka .. 
if ku ANGGUK , tanda aku bodo .. tanda aku dah xpeduli maruah diri .. 
aku GELENG , sebab aku masih ada kewarasan diri , maruah diri , sedar diri .. 
susah korang nak terima kan ?? sebab BATANG korang ya bodoh sial !! 
nafsu korang ya paloi macam korang !!
korang nak sumpah , nak bomoh aku sekalipun aku x kesah .. 
lebih baik mati daripada berhadapan dengan orang yang bnafsu serupa binatang ! 
in fact i think , binatang is much more better than u guys .. 

anyway , i have one already .. 
im a person yang tepati janji , pegang cakap sendiri .. 
i let go of the others because i can only commit to one person .. 
a person who i think deserves me better ... 
without taking and giving any reasons . 

ok . thats all . 
im tired , 
im done with all of this . 
god bless u fool . 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

sucker .

oh well .. 
tengok la siapa yang menang .. 
btw , u fool , 
look .. take ur time .. 
as far as i know ,
the one yang sangat tidak sabar melihat aku pergi dari hidup mereka 
ialah orang yang tidak pernah ada rasa hormat , tidak pernah ada rasa ingin mengambil berat , and even tidak pernah menghargai anything and probably everything i have done . 
K A R M A .. 
speaking of the witch .. 
one day , u might regret for doing this kind of thing to me .. 
and by that time , 
sorry means nothing . 

Monday, May 21, 2012

debbie oh debbie !!

lama sudah tidak meng-update ...
nasib x bpuaka ..
da penunggu .. 
maklum laa .. 
blog used to be my fav place ... 
but now , as u can see .. 
more to fb . 
sorreyh .. 
but , yeah .. here i am . 
updating this blog again .. 
my sweetheart .. 
bhabuk kau ??
wuooh .. 
layan update blog ngan lagu Oh Mandy - Westlife .. 
#when u kissed me and u stopped me from shaking#
selupeee lerr .. 
maaf la. saya bukan dalam persatuan L .. 

da la banyak story nak dishare .. 
but first .. 
im single :D 
wuoot !! wuoot !!
xda lagi :)
boleh la tahan xda benda nak dirunsingkan lagi ... 
done and move on . 
priceless beb .. priceless .. 
laki bah ... 
bukan sorang jak da di dunia .. 
still a lot of them .. 

anyway .. im happy now .. 
found someone who is just so nice to me .. 
a friend , but , do understand about this one .. 
nothing more than that .. 
no need to rush on anything .. 
da jodoh , bsama la .. 
xda jodoh , bkawan lbh baik .. 

ok .
thats all .
adioss .. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

still can smile even though im broken inside ... 
why need to be sad when life are full with colours ??

i just need to shut the hell up .

1. deactivate the fucking facebook for a while.. 
2. keep myself down low .. 
3. do whatever i want today , tomorrow .. and forever until the end of my fucking life ... 
4. enjoy 
5. do the impossible things .. 

so , whatever it is .. 
u need me , 
u have my phone number , 
call/text me . 

thats all . adios .  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

ordinary night :)

Good Friday passed ... 
Easter Day coming .. 
be glad Christians :)

i dont even know how to start this story .. 
but , 
every night with or without him , 
kinda make me happy as a person who suppose to be a person ...
 and hey , not everyone can make me like that ok ??
love can be easily says .. 
but , 
heart ?
trust me .. 
i really do love this guy .. 
there's no need to choose if he's the one for me .. 
i dont care how long this relationship will take us ,
all i care about is , 
the love we share 
and everything we share 
and know about each other .. 
i admit that that i havent know this guy really well , 
but , time will help me 
introducing someone in my life God , 
really open my heart to love other ... 

the night at Waterfront :)
taken by Audrey , my bestie .. 
stole by me , the sweetheart :P
 trippin' cute .. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

daddy :'(

as if ku nak buka rahsia besar lagi oo.. 
but , semua perlu tunggu .. 
well .. i'm 18 dad !! 

good enough semua orang tahu aku ada 1 daddy..
superhero in my life :)

the thing is .. 
ku layan lagu country oii !!
rindu ku ngan daddy ku !!
kerja nya malam tok ehh .. 
not going to church with mom and sis .. 

some of them are his fav songs .. 
some of them are mine ... 
now i know where i got this kind of craziness and passion towards country song.. 
 isnt he cooool ??

muka aku memang la nampak happy , 
senyuman ku ikhlas..
hati pandai sayu ... 
gila dikerja cdak tok .. 

bah , here's the link btw ... 
saja nak share :)

Happy Maundy Thursday , Good Friday and Easter Day to all Christian :)
God Bless !!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

my maharaja :)

back to update again ! 
 annnnnnnnnd today's entry about my new man :)

well , not so new.. but rather call it new.. 
still feel like yesterday baah. 
first meeting, ruai.. 
friend la baahh. 
nothing special 
but the way he talk, smile and laugh.. 
really do captured my heart... 

like usual.. 
we started off like friend. 
the usual stuff we talked about.. 
never missed a day.. 
chat chat chat and keep on chatting.. 
and finally, he confessed. 
me also confessed la bah. 
why so nervous oo ?

no need to see the face la oo.. 
later got people jealous..

the only thing i can described about him ??
serious, very protective.
the rest, only need time to find out.

like i said... 
this is my new life. 

adiossss !

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


hai . 
bye . 
thats all. 
no mood la want to update today. 
 all i do today.. 
make a list.
a very looooooooooooong one.. 
now, semua dah selesai.. 
excluded assignment. 
gth first u . 

so annoying laa. 
cannot bo ?

dapat what i aimed for.. 
hope she happy with it. 
thats the least thing i can give her :) 

well, its a token of our friendship.. 

back to kch tmrw. 
what a life. 
cannot meh cuti panjang2 lagi ?
last day with my baby..
hopefully can be with him again this May .. 

back back back.. 
dont expect the perfect from me 
tqvm !

Monday, March 26, 2012

bintulu ?

bintulu already !
siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal !!
rindu gila aku kat bintulu tok oiiiiiiiiii !!!

monday ... 
still here.. waiting for something okay ?
hopefully dapat esok!! 
daaaaaaaaaad pleaaaaaaaaaaaaseeee !!
i neeed it A.S.A.P !!
 tueeeeeeesdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, weeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeeeesssdaaaaaaaaaay !!
why so long ehh?
faster la u two.. 
slow like thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !!

thursdaaaaaaaay !!
been missing them so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch !!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

things u MUST know about me..

this one for u. 
i hope u keep it in mind.. 

1. never end dgn penyakit. 
i have low blood pressure.. used to be very sick.. 
dont have strong antibodi.. 
hope faham.. 
kalau dah sakit, take more than 2weeks baru sembuh.. BUT... 
akan sakit lagi in another week to come.. 
with or without meds.. 
bad one..
no caffein for me.. 
later boleh pitam sendiri.. 
but, who cares?
caffein keep me survive at night :)

2. jangan merungut especially tentang DUIT and NASIB... 
DUIT boleh dicari asalkan pandai menyimpan.. 
pandai merancang duit, maka ada la yg boleh keep u alive.. 
so, agak-agak la sikit kalau nak berbicara tentang ini.. 

3. cinta, kasih dan sayang.. 
i do believe in this
true love?
no comment!
kalau ada jodoh, tak lari gunung yang dikejar.. 
merana kau nak pujuk nanti... 

org yg dah biasa dengan saya faham perangai saya yg ini.. 
orang memaksa saya surely dapat orang yang bisu.. 
saya la itu.. 
paling teruk, org yg memaksa saya 
tidak dilayan sampai seminggu... 
ada yg dilayan dengan teruk.. 
kira adil la kan.. 
sapa suruh paksa... 
p mampus la kalau nak main paksa2.. 

5. happy-go-lucky but seriously SERIOUS.. 
faham maksud itu?
saya tlg explain. 
very cheerful person actually if u really know me.. 
saya bukan macam yang di high school itu.. 
used to be hot-tempered person, 
but everything changed since leaved high school.. 
i see the real world, how to cope with it.. 
learn how to step on it using bare foot.. 
i succeed.. 

6. very protective.. 
protective in kind of way of protective especially if bkait dgn BFF.. 
jangan sesekali buat kawan saya sakit.. 
kalau saya tahu, memang parah la org itu.. 
saya bukan hanya berani di facebook.. 
ONE ON ONE if u really kuat.. 

7. my life experience?
a lot .. 
u can't imagine how much i have been thru in this walk of life.. 
i grow up everyday and become new person everyday.. 
each day motivate me
each day teach me how to be me.. 
each day is priceless to me.. 

8. the thing ?
this is where i will speak out to u.. 
saya tidak suka bergaduh dengan orang.. 
so please, 
respect me if u want me to respect u.. 

9. ?
ok. this is ATTENTION.. 
if u want it from me, do it in a sincere way... 
don't lie to me.. 
don't talk bullshit with me.. 
nak bermanja dengan saya?
show me who u really are... 

10. jangan main dengan perkataan NYAWA dan MATI.. 
nak bgurau tu boleh, tp kalau dah libatkan ttg nyawa, 
never end one like what have happened, 
memang saya akan lanjurkan sekali la.. 
memang saya akan suruh orang itu p mati.. 
harap maklum.. 

11. friendly?
yes.. saya sangat friendly sekarang.. 
saya bkawan dengan tanpa mengira kamu lelaki, perempuan, pondan atau pengkid.. 
bagi saya, kamu tetap MANUSIA CIPTAAN TUHAN :)
u can try if u don't believe me.. 
so far, banyak yang masuk list :)
tq sebab sudi jadi kawan saya.. 

12. imma girl but no soooo girlish laa.. 
okay. i HATE flowers a lot. 
but, 1 thing i do perasan.. 
i have two shirt with floral design, 
pillowcase with floral design, 
even bed sheet pun sama.. 
okay.. thats weird !!
just don't gimme PINK .. 
thats NIGHTMARE for me.. 
no offence PINKERS... 

13. things i like and love the most !!
hang out with ma friends after class everyday.. 
ohh.. we never tireed with this :)
so, if u ever pass me by between this two place, just say HI.. I WON'T BITE :)
love waffle, sweetcorn, doughnut.. 
oh gosh.. carving for BIG APPLE doughnut nowww... 
love big teddy ! 
giant size ok.. 
have ma red bird now.. so, i need the black one ok.. 
love that bomber.. 
purple is mine!!

okay.. thats all for now.. 
u will see a lot of me if u really want to know me well, 
love me like what u never love a person before.. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

the first meeting :)

updating updating !
yess,  here i am. 
still remember the first meeting.
never thought we'd be falling in love. 
i never thought u like me. 
it just someone yang aku suka tenung.. 
dont know why, 
but ur face, 
i like the way it gives me calmness during that time.. 
is it love?
only thought its just a game of heart.. 
but now, yes, i do sure of it. 
u confessed, so do i.. 
no one knows. but yes, 
it just happened.. 

i love u :) 
its just so nice to be near u, got carried away with ur smell :) 

Monday, March 12, 2012

monday :)

nothing to write
just drop by to say HELLO :)
ok fine... i'm sorry again for not updating this blog..
busy la wei..
i know i know some of u ask me why i'm not here often like what i used to do.. 
no story maa..
love story too private nowadays.. 
later they call it defamation.. 
then how??
i see u in court they said.. 
paloi x gia?

pa cerita nya tek?
xda papa la juak..

rasa macam putus cinta nok x berapa nak putus tok.. 
putus urat kentut ada la juak.. 
sakit perut beta ini sekarang.. 
sudah2.. out dulu.. 
mau berfacebook sahaja.. 
tidak mau lama2 di sini.. 
nanti semua org cari.. 
mereka ingat saya diculik.. 

selamat semua ;)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

no title.

hi, how r u?
#ceeh.. so formal leey..matey#
anyway, lama sudah tidak diupdate...
nampak berhabuk x?
mesti lah x..
benda camni mana tahu bhabuk..
pelik la jgak.. 

so, here i am.. again..
and AGAIN.. 
so tired ehh.. 
this is not me.. 
not me... 
not me anymore! 
where got the same me aah?
my clone kah?
stupid u.. 
not chubby anymore..
but still cute as ever...

oh ya.. changed the song..
my fav!
ya ya ya.. same goes to u purple..

22nd balik bintulu..
yeay yeay yeay dapat mgemukkan diri :P
love me moreeee :D

sorry la..not much to write..

Saturday, February 25, 2012

saturday what?

hello fellas.
a very good evening to u and u and u and u and u and infinity u..
working yaa...
noisy saturday @ Boulevard 

done with assignments !
party on ur own house ya.. 

rasa macam nak menyindir orang jak mulut ku ni... 
berdosa aku..
aku mengidam laksa weeei..
malam nanti harus aku dapatkan!
ok bye. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

today offered me something..



damn yes u know who u r..
can i say i hate u now?
cannot leeh..
want to know why?
because i want to kill u bah.. 
no la.. just kidding.. 
actually yes.. 
u hurt me..

wait !
O.N.S. ? (not on bed okay.. jangan fikir lain)
lain kali, jangan buat kalau tahu x mahu..

u cute, u handsome, u nice, u funny, 
but i think u misuse it to me right?
not taken it to heart anyway..
just hate the way u r..
u lied to me. 
thats not a big problem here. 
the problem is.. 
starting from now..
just DON'T. 

okay, tq.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

back for a moment.

kembali untuk seketika setelah sekian lama tidak menjejakkan kaki ke sini...
must be boring right reading the old posts of mine... 
rarely on blog... 
what can i say?
i have spent my days with him.. 
definitely what i want.. 
i miss him like crazy... 
not enough?
yes i know...
pa boleh buat?
he's not near..

assignment have been released... 
stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck and more stuck... 
question 2, way toooooooooo common!
using the common sense, link it to authorities, legal and non-legal?
how laaa?
sweet pie!
even lecturer xnak discuss ttg ni...
he expect us to fail with maruah right?
annoying la u sir...!
seriously shit !
benci ku ehh if dapat assignment cmnie.. 
tak bodoh pun boleh jadi bodoh.. 

i miss my ladies night laaa..
the one who suppose to meet me tiada text aku... 
bored to death in boredom yesterday night.... 
assignment pun x jalan :)
sentiasa bah itu.. 
ilek lokk..
esok lusa boleh buat lagi...
tambah info jak pun..

study study jugak...
enjoy jangan lupak... 

sampai sini sahaja.... 
lain kali update lagi
back to assignment :)
