
Monday, February 14, 2011

jerk !

now , ohhhmyy .. lama sudah tidak on full chatbox kat FB . busy la katakan .. busy main game . bessttt .. sampai tak ingat dunia . tp , sulu tetap ingat la . tak boleh tak ingat . bergegar rumah klo tak dihiraukan . hehe .. 
pagi2 hari minggu , spt biasa , kita kan kristian . so , kena pergi church . repent , ask for what is right which come from sincere heart and a effort comes within . no worry , failed once , doesn't mean i'm gonna failed twice or over again till i give up . no , thats not exactly who i am . bless me Lord . :)

berbalik kpd story SI JERK nih .. 
dah nama bosan kan , main game pun lama sangat nak tunggu loading . sampai panas buntut . aku on la chatbox . on full list ya , bukan setengah . HAHA . tiba2 , pada suatu ketika , ter-POP UP plak satu peti dari manusia gatal . lama dah dia nie tak kacau aku . bukan la nak membesarkan pkara kecik . dah aku on tu bukan aku minta sapa2 chat ngan aku pun . haiisshh ! macam2 la aku dia nih kat wallpost , dgn harapan dia sedar la kan . aku tak nak block/remove sapa2 . 

wallpost pertama ** : stay away from me , stay away from trying to chatting with me , stay away from calling me "HONEY" , stay away from flirts with me . stay away from everything that has connections with me . FYI , i'm taken and not interested in any of lustful things . get it ?!
wallpost kedua tak yah la aku nak copy paste kat sini . aku dah delete . kalau korang curious sgt , korang translate je ayat2 cinta tu ek ? mmmmaaalllaaaassss ku ehh . ingatkan nak kasi budak nih paham , pastu aku nak dia remove or block aku ke . tak jgak beliau berbuat demikian . bertuah sungguh engkau ye BUDAK ?! 
wallpost ketiga dan terakhir utk si dia yg belum connect**: there's something i want to tell . come , have a good look on your screen . STOP FLIRTING WITH ME YOU JERK ! 

sungguh la SENGAL !
macam2 aku redah lam FB tu lately . 
malas la aku nak cerita kat sini . 
korang pun tak nak tahu jgak kan ?
tp , aku nak share wallpost aku je keyh ? 
yang lain korang figure out sendiri . 

friday , 1.1pm**i may be look stupid and young to some of you .. but , i think twice before taking any decisions and actions . my advices may be look like want to destroy you , but , think again . all my advices are far more rational than your actions . i'm here not to criticizes you . 
friday , 2.01pm**i'm a person with few words . but , once you try to or think to be harsh on me , you will get the same from me due to your own actions . obviously , if you think i'm trying to blackmail you , YOU ARE SO WRONG ! 

ayat cinta satu ni aku tujukan kat cikaro la . *wahh , hebat bahasa* . memang la aku tak fhm mother tounge diaorang , tapi , aku fikir la jgak dari segi rasional apa benda diaorang cakap . mungkin la jgak aku salah sebab banyak komen . takpe la . aku tolong bagi advice pun based on my own situation jgak . i've been on her shoes once . i'd felt the same way she felt . terpulang la kat dia nak judged or take my advice as whatever she want . aku dah jemu nak nasihat org camtu lagi . ye la , korang rasa diri PURRRFECT kan . papn , aku nak happy ngan hidup aku . dah la . sampai di sini shj surat utk korang semua . 


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