
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

*Religions is not the ills of humanity

i'd found this interesting topics when i searched for my next post in blog ... its about religion .. as the title speaks for the texts ... 
just want to shared with the readers and i have my own opinions when reading this ... 

read throughly ... 
Religion, cannot and is not the ills of humanity. As to, what is? the corrupt use of religions whose basis is love. If one is to love another, one is to love a God or Gods, then where does the actions that bring war, strife, resentment, chaos and all other ills, fit into the discourse of religion or spirituality.

Liberal societies tend to stretch away from religions, fearing religious or spiritual  influence will destroy the state, but despotism in religion is just if not less dangerous than despotism within liberal societies. Where does the despot in liberal society appear. it appears in fear. the fear of the state, the fear of people, the fear of religion. What is to fear is not real. What is active in the world is us. Those of us who are living those of us who have lived and those of us who are about to live. It is our actions where what is seen as good or bad originate.

In Life there is only and just the things we do. 

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